
Tinubu Flags Off Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, Promises Economic Boost for 30 Million People


President Bola Tinubu has announced that the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway will provide significant economic opportunities for 30 million people by improving access to production and marketing centers. This statement was made during the flag-off ceremony of the 700km highway project, held in Lagos to mark Tinubu’s first year in office.

President Tinubu highlighted the numerous benefits of the highway, stating, “During the period of construction, the road will provide direct employment for thousands and indirect employment for tens of thousands more. It will fast-track community development, bring development closer to the people, and significantly enhance access to production and marketing centers for 30 million people.”

The highway, which commenced construction in March, will span nine states and include two spurs leading to northern states. Despite facing criticism for the timing of the project and the necessary demolition of 750 buildings, the government has allocated N2.75 billion for compensation to affected property owners.

Addressing these concerns, Tinubu appealed for public understanding, particularly from those whose properties and livelihoods are impacted. “We all need to make sacrifices for our country to grow. However, this government is compassionate and committed to providing adequate compensation,” he assured.

Tinubu described the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway as more than just a road, calling it a “symbol of hope, unity, and prosperity” that will connect communities, boost trade and commerce, and create new opportunities. He drew parallels with the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland, which generates significant tourism revenue, underscoring the potential economic benefits for Nigeria.

Commending the efforts of engineers, workers, and stakeholders, Tinubu emphasized the project’s importance for Nigeria’s future. He also praised the innovative financing model adopted by the Ministry of Works, which combines government investment with private sector funding.

The president reiterated the project’s significance for enhancing connectivity, facilitating economic growth, and improving the quality of life for Nigerians. He concluded by flagging off the project and the simultaneous rehabilitation of 330 roads and bridges across the nation.

The Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, a 10-lane road linking Lagos to Cross River, will pass through Ogun, Ondo, Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, and Akwa Ibom states. The road will feature concrete pavement construction, ensuring durability and sustainability.

A dedicated committee has been established to review, assess, and compensate landowners affected by the construction. This committee includes representatives from the Ministry of Works, Lagos State, affected communities, and other stakeholders to ensure fair and transparent compensation.

In his closing remarks, Tinubu expressed gratitude to key partners and stakeholders, emphasizing the collaborative effort required to achieve such an ambitious project. He reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to bold initiatives that will build a prosperous future for Nigeria.

The Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway is poised to become a landmark infrastructure project, enhancing economic prospects and connectivity across the region.

Mike Ojo

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