
Osimhen Blasts Finidi George “Says He Has Lost Respect For Him”


Napoli striker Victor Osimhen has publicly criticized Super Eagles coach Finidi George, declaring he has lost respect for him following remarks about his commitment to the national team.

Finidi, who resigned as head coach on Saturday, was reportedly quoted as saying he wouldn’t beg Osimhen to play for Nigeria after the player withdrew from the last two 2026 World Cup qualifiers due to injury.

Osimhen, ruled out for four weeks, was replaced by Enugu Rangers defender Kenneth Igboke. However, after the Super Eagles’ lackluster performances against South Africa and Benin Republic, reports emerged that Finidi had blamed Osimhen’s absence on the player’s alleged poor attitude toward the national team. These comments were said to have been made during a meeting with the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) chiefs and Sports Minister John Enoh in Abuja.

Angered by these remarks, Osimhen took to Instagram on Saturday to explain the circumstances behind his withdrawal from the qualifiers. He insisted that Finidi was fully informed about his injury through direct communication and medical briefings.

“I knew things like this would happen, and that’s why I have videos and screenshots of when I called Finidi while I was with the doctor in Germany,” Osimhen said. “I got injured in our (Napoli’s) last game against Lecce, and I went for an MRI scan. I called Finidi there for him to listen to the doctor too.”

Osimhen further explained, “I asked Finidi to allow me to come to the camp to be with the boys, and I spoke to some of my teammates too, but he said I had to be with my family. I’m not addressing anything further, but everyone knows I play my heart out whenever I’m playing for the club or national team. I’ll share the screenshots and videos of my conversation with Finidi for the sake of those believing what Finidi said.”

The striker concluded, “I’ve lost respect for that man because before I disrespect anybody, I always respect them.”

Finidi’s tenure as head coach saw Nigeria held to a 1-1 draw by South Africa in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, and suffer a 2-1 defeat against Benin Republic in Abidjan, leaving the Super Eagles with just three points after four games in the qualifying series. His resignation came two days after the NFF announced plans to hire a foreign technical adviser.

Mike Ojo

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