Renowned political economist and former presidential aspirant, Professor Pat Utomi, has accused the Nigerian government of treating the younger generation with disdain and failing to build trust. Utomi made this assertion during an interview on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Thursday.
Reacting to the upcoming National Youth Conference proposed by President Bola Tinubu’s administration, Utomi expressed skepticism about its potential success, citing the government’s historical lack of trustworthiness.
“There are models for building trust,” Utomi explained. “The first step is doing the right thing and building what is known as an emotional bank account. Every time you say you will do something and follow through, you make a deposit. Each failure to keep your word results in a withdrawal. Whether or not you are believable depends on the balance in that emotional bank account.”
He criticized successive Nigerian governments for failing to inspire trust, emphasizing that they have consistently treated young people as though they are “idiots.” Utomi lamented that this attitude was particularly disheartening given Nigeria’s history, where many leaders during the military era were themselves in their 20s and 30s.
“The military system, compounded by the influx of oil wealth, led to the formation of a rigid class hierarchy that persists today,” Utomi said.
He highlighted the need for genuine efforts in youth engagement and trust-building, warning that symbolic conferences without substantial action are unlikely to yield meaningful outcomes.