
Double Truck Accidents Worsen Gridlock on Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Commuters Lament


Commuters and motorists faced severe delays on Sunday along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway due to multiple accidents involving two fallen trucks. The incidents significantly worsened the already notorious traffic on this vital route.

The first accident occurred when a loaded truck tipped over on the Otedola Bridge, spilling its contents across the roadway. Shortly after, a similar incident happened on the Long Bridge section of the expressway, further exacerbating the traffic woes.

Stranded passengers were seen abandoning their vehicles and walking long distances to bypass the blocked sections. Reports indicated that fares from Berger Bus Stop to Mowe, Ibafo, and Arepo skyrocketed from the usual N400 to N1000 due to the congestion.

Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) officials worked tirelessly to tow the fallen trucks and restore traffic flow. One commuter expressed frustration, stating, “It is a terrible experience today. I spent over two hours in traffic after navigating the one after the Berger end. The FRSC should do something to end this scourge.”

The Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) provided updates on their Facebook page, noting that the road at the Otedola Bridge was partially closed to facilitate the trans-loading of the truck’s contents. “Motorists are advised to drive from Secretariat to link CMS road, connect Otedola, and continue their journey towards Berger,” the statement read.

In the incident on the Long Bridge, the Ogun State Sector of the FRSC, through spokesperson Florence Okpe, attributed the truck’s fall to overloading and a mechanical fault. “The vehicle, which developed a mechanical fault, was overloaded, leading to its fall. Thankfully, there were no casualties or injuries,” Okpe said.

Road users expressed their frustration over the recurring gridlock, calling on the Federal Government to implement lasting solutions. Commuter Idris Abeeb shared his ordeal, stating, “I spent not less than three hours from Berger to after the Long Bridge. The heat made me dizzy, and I now need to get medication.”

Motorist Akin Akinboye urged authorities to address the persistent traffic issues, particularly around the Long Bridge. “As a motorist, I have been facing this traffic challenge for months, especially at night around the Berger inwards Long Bridge section. It is time the Federal Government found a lasting solution to this gridlock,” Akinboye said.

Okpe advised motorists to drive with caution, especially during the festive period, and to avoid speeding. “Speeding is dangerous, and most road crashes can be prevented when motorists drive with caution. We are currently managing the situation to restore normalcy to the road,” Okpe emphasized.

Mike Ojo

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