Olivia Hussey, the celebrated actress renowned for her portrayal of Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 Oscar-winning adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, has passed away at the age of 73. Her family confirmed the news in a heartfelt statement on social media, remembering her as “a remarkable person whose warmth, wisdom, and pure kindness touched the lives of all who knew her.”
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1951, Hussey was just 15 years old when she starred opposite Leonard Whiting in the iconic film. Her breakthrough performance earned her a Golden Globe for “New Star of the Year,” and her portrayal of the tragic young lover became a defining moment in cinematic history.
In addition to her legendary role in Romeo and Juliet, Hussey enjoyed a diverse career in both film and television. She starred in the influential 1974 slasher film Black Christmas and the 1978 adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile. Her impressive body of work continued to gain recognition throughout her career.
In 2023, Hussey and Whiting filed a lawsuit against the studio behind Romeo and Juliet, alleging child abuse due to a controversial nude scene in the film. Although the lawsuit was dismissed, Hussey defended the scene in a 2018 interview, stating, “We were very aware. We both came from drama schools and took our work very seriously.” Whiting, too, reflected on the experience, recalling how they supported each other during the filming process.
Hussey, the daughter of an Argentine opera singer and a British legal secretary, moved to London at the age of seven. She studied at the prestigious Italia Conti drama school and began her acting career as a teenager. She is survived by her husband, musician David Eisley, their three children, and a grandchild.
Olivia Hussey’s legacy as one of cinema’s most beloved stars will continue to inspire generations of audiences and actors alike.