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Breaking: Labour Suspends Strike


The Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) has announced the suspension of its ongoing strike, effective immediately. This decision comes as a result of constructive dialogues between the NLC and relevant stakeholders, aiming to address the concerns that led to the industrial action.

The suspension is provisional, with a review scheduled in one week. The outcome of this period will depend heavily on the progress made during the upcoming meetings between the involved parties. These discussions are expected to yield significant resolutions that will determine the final stance on the strike action.

[Spokesperson Name], [Title], expressed optimism regarding the upcoming negotiations, stating, “We are committed to finding a sustainable solution that addresses the grievances of our members. The suspension of the strike is a testament to our willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue and our hope that the one-week meeting will result in positive outcomes for all parties involved.”

The NLC appreciates the patience and understanding of the public and its members during this period and remains steadfast in its mission to advocate for fair labor practices and improved working conditions.

Further updates will be communicated following the review of the negotiation outcomes.

Mike Ojo

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